Weeknotes: 20th June 2020

Sarah Dackham
3 min readMar 20, 2021


My week…..

I’ve done a few coaching calls this week. Its something I’ve not done officially for a few weeks. Great to get back to it, it can be hard work, but so rewarding to start seeing results. Coaching via a video call is different, I end up watching facial expressions and listening to tone of voice more. Its not the same as coaching someone over a coffee, in person which is my preferred style.

I’m an Enterprise Advisor and attended my first virtual Dorset Enterprise Advisor Breakfast on Tuesday. Usually these are held at Kingston Maurward at some ungodly hour in the morning. The bonus is there’s breakfast and good coffee to help you wake up. A virtual breakfast means a later start, no commute and no breakfast. But I had a jug of coffee all to myself! Enterprise Advisors help schools in planning and delivering careers advice. Majority of the advisors are from private industries, so it was really interesting hearing how they’ve all coping with lockdown. Impressively we heard about a school librarian who has had more time on her hands and has transformed her school’s career service into a virtual service. Part of this involves creating a library of video interviews with various volunteer professionals, which can then be accessed by the pupils via Teams. Its going down well with the volunteers, once you’ve recorded your video it can be used again and again….eeek!

While I’m thinking of schools, I’ve tried blending work and home school a little more this week. I’ve taken a bit more time out during the day to help my younger two with school work. It’s going down well! The online times table class was fun (yes really) We did times table sprints! I’m wondering whether there’ll be a times table stand up next time?

My youngest daughter joined us back at the kitchen table catching up on her English homework — Macbeth. I’ve answered some pretty random questions in between calls! I took some time out this afternoon, they’re all on a virtual at home scout camp and have various challenges to complete. The first being to spend 2 nights sleeping in a tent outside or a den inside. The girls are all fast asleep in the back room in a makeshift den, complete with fairylights. My son sensibly bailed out and went back to his bed, whispering ‘please don’t tell Akela mum’ The other advantage is working late at night when everyone’s asleep and the house is quiet — bliss!

You’d be disappointed if I didn’t mention Planning. Lisa facilitated the retro and the fun retro tool is well worth trying on your next retro if you haven’t already.

Oh and we’ve finalised the Planning Discovery Report. Its a video and we published it in our project weeknotes on the Planning team channels today. A massive thank you to Mary for all your hardwork, and to everyone else we dragged into the discovery with us.



Sarah Dackham

Digital & Change Business Partner in Dorset. Views are my own.