Weeknotes: 23rd March 2020

Sarah Dackham
3 min readMar 20, 2021


Thoughts from Lockdown Week 1….

Here’s my random thoughts from last week. I’m sharing in the hope you may find them interesting/useful or realise that I’ve now gone completely mad!

Accept that we have no control over this situation. But we can control how we react. Things are changing rapidly, let’s not plan too much. The anxiety levels will go down. It’s a new world, we’re all in this together. Let’s try new things, learn together and see what works

I’m not following too much social media; it was driving me crazy. I’m not constantly checking the news apps looking for updates. And I feel so much better for it.

I’m working out how to use my free evenings. There are books I’d like to read, things I’d like to learn, crafts I’ve bought but never started, let alone finished, more Pilates to do. I’m looking forward to sunshine in the garden, fun and games with the kids. Netflix parties and virtual parties (it’s a thing!)

We’ve had tricky conversations with grandparents about staying at home and not seeing the grandchildren as much. But it’s worked. They’re all safe and at home, and they’ve all got food. We’re embracing family skype video calls. I’m sure these will develop further over the weekend.

I’m happier now the kids are home. Long may that feeling last. And long may I always have gin!

Working from home is becoming the new normal. Its feeling easier each day. I’m looking forward to our team check in and seeing every one’s faces and hearing your voices. We had a lot of laughs at our Virtual Coffee Shop this morning — thank you. My video camera may not always show me the right way up and that’s ok for now.

I’ve had some very productive days. I’m enjoying using teams and I’m enjoying the space to think and try new things (Watch out!) I chaired a virtual project leads meeting using teams and planner. Amanda lead a great Contensis training session over Skype. We’ve collaborated on documents and got the Planning contract agreed and signed.

I’m wondering how 2 adults and 4 kids all working from home is going to work. I know others are thinking about this too. Somehow, we’ll make it work. My kids are old enough to look after themselves, they’re also capable of eating us out of house and home — I may have to start rationing.

One of my youngest daughter’s Home Tech tasks was to make a snack, take a photo and send it in to her teacher. With a little tweaking, that soon turned into making bacon baguettes for everyone — win- win and one very proud photo to send back to school.

Youngest son has commandeered the back-room pc and tv — and is busy plotting his route to stardom as a You Tube vlogger. There’s even a sign on the door not to enter if he’s filming! Not strictly the homework the school sent home, but I’m sure he’s gaining valuable tech skills. And I might even learn a few more too

I’m not going to panic over home schooling. I’m not going to panic over working from home either. We’ll all do what we can do. What the kids (and the grown-ups) need right now is to feel safe, secure and loved. To feel like it’s all going to be ok. I’m not worried about the kids regressing at school, they won’t be the only ones, and they’ll all catch up. Learning should be fun and enjoyable and there’s lots they can learn without realising it (like working out how many rashers of bacon to cook). Their mental health and how they feel during this time will be what they remember. Let’s do the best we can and muddle through together.



Sarah Dackham

Digital & Change Business Partner in Dorset. Views are my own.