Weeknotes: 23rd October 2020

Sarah Dackham
2 min readFeb 14, 2021


Coaching thoughts…..

I met up with my coaching and mentoring colleagues this week as part of Dorset’s Coaching Festival. I listened to Tim Hawkes from Unlimited Potential’s talk ‘’We belong together — Coping with Change’. It made me stop and think. And I’m still thinking about it.

Remember Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Maslow’s theory is that people are motivated by five basic categories of needs:

1. Physiological — food, water, sleep

2. Safety — home, money

3. Love/Belonging — deeper, more meaningful relationships

4. Esteem — you’ve acquired the skills that lead to recognition

5. Self actualisation — you’re living to your highest potential

Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs

Well apparently the thinking is that since Covid we’ve all dropped back into ‘Belonging’. It’s a sweeping statement, and one I’m not sure I completely agree with.

But it really made me think. Where was I in the triangle? Had Covid impacted where I thought I was? If we’ve dropped back to belonging, what’s really triggered that and why? Did that happen before Covid — were we too self centred, too transactional, did we not care enough? And reflecting on my community shield work, how much further would some people drop?

One one level, yes I think there may be a higher sense of belonging. I’ve certainly seen a rise in community ‘belonging’ through community shield, people pulling together to help each other, going above and beyond to make sure the vulnerable had what they needed. I remember optimistically thinking that lockdown might encourage people to think differently, act differently when this was over….

Looking as Maslow’s hierarchy from a work perspective, what do people need right now? It follows that they need to feel safe, feel that they belong and feel that they matter.

What do people need right now?

What do you think? Right here, right now I know I can answer yes, yes and yes. I hope you can too. If you can’t please call me, or a coach, or a friend and have a chat.

On a completely different note, the guy on the radio this morning was saying everyone should know the No 1 song on the day they were born. I didn’t. So I checked. The US No1 was ‘Raindrops keep falling on my head’ apt for this week, but OMG that’s such an old song!! Sam Mclaren– I’ve saved you the bother 😉

The UK No1 was Two Little Boys by Rolf Harris……

So, what was No 1 on the day you were born?



Sarah Dackham

Digital & Change Business Partner in Dorset. Views are my own.