Weeknotes: October 9th 2020

Sarah Dackham
2 min readFeb 14, 2021


It doesn’t look like its going to get quieter any time soon…..

Its been a crazy year, and it doesn’t look like its going to get quieter anytime soon!

Planning 1 (North) is getting some great user feedback — apparently its really easy to use! Who knew?! 😉 Going live remotely was bizarre. We held a team meeting for each module, explained that users can now access the system (via an icon they tested a week ago) reminded them where the (brilliant!) training videos were and how they can get support if they’re stuck (via teams and the even more fantastic digital champions) and then we simply said -off you go then, you’re live! There were a few claps and cheers, but after all that hard work, we may need to work on the fanfares for the next round. 👏 We’re refining our plans for Go Live 2, based on the lessons we’ve learned so far.

I’ve met with the One Domain team again this week. They were keen to find out how we’ve rolled planning out remotely and how we’ve used the digital champions and Teams to support our users. We’re also trying to sync up both the projects so that we can co-ordinate the roll outs and provide the best experience for our users. Our East Planning users will get One Domain next week!

Community Shield work is starting to ramp up again. We’re working with IT to import the Track & Trace/Test data from central govt into our achieve system, and make a few tweaks to the questions our call handlers ask. The idea is that our proactive call teams will call people who either have symptoms and are isolating, or are contacts of people who have symptoms, and check to see if there’s any support they need. We’re still continuing to offer volunteer support, with shopping, medicine collection, befriending calls etc. Food parcels are a last resort this time round and the Volunteer Centre are leading on this. We’ve been working hard to ensure there are more community supermarkets and fridges up and running now, and there are more supermarket delivery slots available. Its been amazing to be part of this work — there is such a feel good factor, the weekly meetings are so positive and full of ideas and opportunities. It’s fantastic to see the Council, NHS, Public Health, Volunteer Centre, Age UK, Citizens Advice, the church and the community coming together to make a real difference and provide help for those that need it ❤

The Transport work is going well — an impressive show and share, followed by prioritising problem statements. Fantastic work, thank you Vicky and team!

Great to see the marginal costs app becoming a reality too. Its generating a lot of interest in Highways and beyond….

Oh and there’s this Festival of the Future thing next week, quite a few people have booked in 😉 we’re creating quite a stir — make sure you don’t miss out! There’s a rumour that Lisa’s having her hair done specially for the festival…



Sarah Dackham

Digital & Change Business Partner in Dorset. Views are my own.